KP Insights
CAPITOL NEWS: 2025 Legislative Bill Introductions
With last week’s bill introduction deadline, the California State Legislature introduced 2,350 bills for the 2025 session. Below are just a sampling of the controversial issues we are watching.
2025-26 California Budget Overview
After two years of deficits, the California budget is in a strong position with a projected surplus of $16.5 billion, though Governor Newsom has been cautious in discussing new spending.
KP Q&A: POLITICO Editorial Director for California, Julia Marsh
KP Public Affairs’ Patrick George recently caught up with POLITICO editorial director for California, Julia Marsh who shared updates, insights, and tips for working with the highly influential outlet.
What We’re Watching: AB 347 (Ting)
Assembly Bill 347 would charge the Department of Toxic Substances Control with creating a new regulatory enforcement program for PFAS-in-consumer products bans.
DTSC’s Cleanup in Vulnerable Communities Initiative Threatened by Potential Budget Cuts
If the Legislature adopts the Governor’s proposal, the Cleanup in Vulnerable Communities Initiative will see reductions of $136 million in fiscal year (FY) 2023–24 (the current fiscal year), $85 million in FY 2024–25, and $47.5 million in FY 2025-26.
Hydrogen Projects and Policy Moving into the Spotlight
Hydrogen policy is rising as a key issue legislators will debate this year, in addition to concerns about energy affordability, net energy metering, and electric utility rates as the state balances efforts to accelerate the state’s nation-leading climate and renewable energy goals despite increasing concerns about energy reliability.
Senate Bill 903 seeks to ban PFAS in commercial and consumer products in California by 2030
Senate Bill (SB) 903 (Skinner) would ban the distribution and sale of products containing “intentionally added PFAS” beginning January 1, 2030, unless the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) determines that the use of PFAS in a product is a “currently unavoidable use,” the ban is preempted by federal law, or the product is used.
Eyes on California - Key Areas of Focus that May Shape the National Policy Landscape
Corporations and businesses, associations, and consulting and financial entities need to keep an eye on California to not only shape policy outcomes but also to understand proposals that may be duplicated in other state capitals or feed into the D.C. political discourse.
Master the Disaster: States and Counties Take the Lead in Preparedness and Response
An excerpt from a recent PR Week commentary from Patrick George, partner at KP Public Affairs, on the subject of natural disaster preparedness.
KP Commentary: MBA programs live (or die) by reputation
Recent commentary from Patrick George, partner at KP Public Affairs, on the subject of MBA reputation.
Meet the Media: Yousef Baig, California Voices Editor, CalMatters
KP Public Affairs caught up with Yousef Baig, editor of the recently rebranded California Voices commentary section for nonpartisan and nonprofit news organization CalMatters.
Meet the Media: Hannah Wiley to the LA Times
The KP Public Affairs team caught up with Hannah Wiley who recently joined the Los Angeles Times – Sacramento Bureau from The Sacramento Bee.
POLITICO Pro’s Kevin Yamamura and Katy Murphy Share Advice and Tips
KP Public Affairs checked in with POLITICO reporter Katy Murphy and POLITICO California Editor Kevin Yamamura to hear updates, discuss trends and issues, and learn how to work with the politically influential outlet.
COVID-19 Legislative and Budget Implications
KP is pleased to provide this brief information about actions and potential actions of the Governor’s Office, California Legislature, and regulatory agencies in response to the COVID-19 virus and the potential state response to the economic impacts.