Guided a communications effort that successfully defeated an out-of-state corporate attempt at profiting off California ratepayers.
Developed and launched comprehensive outreach program for the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), educating at-risk Californians of the dangers of Zika virus. Identified, engaged, and activated nearly 100 organizations serving at-risk populations, including six statewide organizations, one national organization, and seven health care systems; coordinated participation in over 20 public events; placed materials in 17 media markets; coordinated placement of PSA in movie theaters throughout the state.
Developed and launched a robust stakeholder engagement program to build awareness, excitement, and ridership for a new Amtrak San Joaquins service. Organized and coordinated a major launch event for the service, securing the participation of over 150 dignitaries, media, and passengers from key corridor cities.
Provided crisis communications services through looming 2020 rail strike, ensuring timely information was available to media and key stakeholders throughout California.
Lead the development of a series of public education videos, garnering approximately ½ million views.
Developed quarterly newsletter for prominent California-based technology company that is distributed to State Capitol community.
Built support among key academics for a novel technology under review by California regulators.
Developed communication product highlighting issues important to California supply chain, distributed on a weekly basis to key California decision-makers.
Coordinated the development of a letter to state elected leaders highlighting the declining market share of the California-based goods movement industry. Organized the support and co-signatures of over 50 trade associations, organizations, and businesses representing a broad cross-section of the California economy, including such industries as retail, manufacturing, agriculture, aerospace, and logistics.
Bachelor’s degree, Political Science, University of California, Davis
Contact Tom
Email: tvanderlist@ka-pow.com
Main: 916-448-2162
Fax: 916-448-4923
621 Capitol Mall, Suite 1900 Sacramento, CA 95814